Sunday, January 24, 2010

I'm thinking of getting Mirena as a form of birth control. Has anyone ever tried it and how is it?

I'm having my second baby and want to be on birth control after I have the baby. I'm not fond of pills, shots, or patches. Saw a commercial about Mirena and thinking about getting it, but I need some more information about it from those who have tried it. Please help! Give me pros and cons :) thanks!I'm thinking of getting Mirena as a form of birth control. Has anyone ever tried it and how is it?
Well the good news is that I haven't gotten cramps with the Mirena, and my periods stopped after a month. The bad news is that I gained 40+ pounds within just a few months, despite the fact that I eat really healthy (no red meat, lots of plant matter, whole grains and fiber). I also hit the gym really hard 3-4 days a week. I run, lift weights, bike, etc, and I haven't lost a single pound. My OB swore up and down that the Mirena wasn't the cause, however, I have seen hundreds of posts on different boards from women with my exact story. ONce they got Mirena out, their weight came off. That is just my personal experience with it.I'm thinking of getting Mirena as a form of birth control. Has anyone ever tried it and how is it?
I've never used it, but I know many women that have. I believe that it's statistically the most effective form of birth control - even more effective than tubal ligation. I'll have to do some reading to make sure my stats are right, but last time I checked, that was the case.

Here's their website:鈥?/a>

Good luck!
i currently have the mirena in place, have had it for nearly a year now but am considering having it removed, reason for this is it has made my cycle very erratic, i will get a very heavy flow for first 5days, then goes away for two days, then back again for 3days then it has light bleeding for another 2 weeks so 3 weeks all up,very annoying.on the other hand tho for some people after having it in place for 3months there period completely stops,guess i was the unluky one lol.the plus side to having it in is once it's placed thats it for 5years,no worrying about getting pregnant.i have heard from others it can be very sore while it is being inserted tho, luky for me i had mine inserted in a hospital so was totally out to it .its definately something you should talk to your doctor or midwife about tho they will both be able to give you more info
Hey... I don't know a great deal about it but if you check out this website i am sure some of your Q's will be answered :)
I have had the Mirena IUD in place for about a year and a half after having my 2nd child. It lasts for 5 years. She placed it and it didn't even hurt although I have been told by friends that theirs hurt a little bit, but only for a few seconds as it was going in. I had a regular period for about 3 months after that, then, WHAM! NO PERIOD!!! It's great! I don't have to worry about when I'm going to start or buying all those pads or tampons. The only downside I have with mine is I get terrible cramps because they say it can cause Ovarian Cysts (which should shrink after you have the IUD removed). Now, I don't know if I have them, but my guess would be that I do because I never had cramps like this before. But everyone I've ever asked say that they don't have their period and they have no signs or symptoms and it's great! Another thing you don't have to worry about is getting pregnant. No condoms, no pills to take every day, no patch to put on every week, no worries about 'accidents'. I LOVE mine!
My wife recently got one installed and this is what she has to say: I have had erratic bleeding for the 1st 2months period pains are worse and when i finally get my period it lasts for at least two weeks way longer than usual, but over all the bleeding is lighter than normal, it can make you feel quiet emotional at times with the hormone release it has, but in a few months that should have sorted it self out hopefully.

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