but sometimes i stop and think about it and then i have to control it or else i wont breath or swallow at all. everything else gets shut out and i focus on it.
it kinda scares me...why do i do this?I think about breathing and swallowing and then i have to control it...why?
A truly enormous number of bodily functions are set to happen automatically - without any conscious control.
When something gets out of alignment a little, we find parts of the body begin to malfunction.
e.g. Seritonin, a hormone, has a number of controlling functions. Amongst them are.
flow of tears.
Desire to urinate.
Supply of saliva to help digestion,
etc. etc.
When seritonin is short, people become depressed, dry-eyed, etc.
A 'new' approach to the teaching of singing focuses on the conscious control of muscles and organs that are normally automatically controlled (the method is, in my view, not wonderfully successful! Lyrebirds manage without it, furthermore!)
Something similar to your fearsome experiences of trying to 'control' automatic functions happens to many people, I imagine. These people who experience what you have are 'worriers', as a rule. I have read that it is sometimes a mild cousin to Depression (but my diagnosis might be totally wrong!)
I have heard of people who worry themselves into a sort of heart attack, lying awake willing their heart to beat. It sounds most frightening, and I'm glad that I am not like this.
I am most hesitant giving advice as I amnot qualified to, but, timidly,might I suggest going for a light run?I think about breathing and swallowing and then i have to control it...why?
I do that too. if my dog is sleeping on my feet, and i can feel her breathing i automatically think about it and then i have to breathe in sync with her, it feels like I'm trapped! and the odd thing is it feels like im out of breath but i can't find my own rythmic beat!! That is creepy and it scares me too!!
But i think it's all in our heads tho, the logical thing is to not think about it, but that makes me think about it more! so i focus on something else like a song or a conversation.... anything that helps me forget!
are u on crack? lol just kiddin.
just stop thinking about it
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