Sunday, January 24, 2010

Gun Control: Does it harm inner city blacks more than it helps them?

Please let me hear your thoughts on this.Gun Control: Does it harm inner city blacks more than it helps them?
The earliest roots of gun control in this country was when British troops attempted to disarm colonialists and ';the shot that was heard around the world'; was fired. However I assume that you are referring to various states and territories that used gun contol laws to keep slaves and free blacks disarmed. Like the first poster, I have to say that I believe that it has little to no bearing on the primary issue.

Gun control doesn't help, that much is for sure. Even in places where guns are banned, there is still much gun crime and in instances such as England, gun crime has gone up after guns were banned. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that criminals prefer unarmed victims.

On the other hand, a report released from the FBI just last week claimed that fully 50% of the homicide victims in the US are black and that 93% of those doing the killing were black. I didn't see any mention about specific locations but I suspect that the bulk of it was inter cities in states that have farily strict gun control. Criminals don't care about gun laws, other than they generally make it easier for them to find unarmed targets.

But inter city crime is not caused by gun contorl any more than it is caused by the lack of gun control. I will say that no law abiding citizen should be denied the ability to defend themsleves, and for most of us, that means having ready access to a firearm, and that is espically true in high crime areas.Gun Control: Does it harm inner city blacks more than it helps them?
As I see it, early roots have little bearing on the question. Yes, gun control is a detriment to disadvantaged persons, be they black or white (or whatever). The gun grabbers' targets start with the inexpensive handguns - they have indeed put a few manufacturers out of business.

But these are frequently the most affordable to those of limited means. And despite what the morning papers lead us to believe, most inner city folks are decent, law-abiding citizens that have the absolute right to defend their families, homes, and possessions, but the gun grabbers will see to it that these are the first people to suffer. They are creating victims.

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