Sunday, January 24, 2010

If you control the world's food, how easy is it to control the world's population?

Have you heard of Codex alimentarius? If you haven't it goes in to effect in December. I suggest you look into it.If you control the world's food, how easy is it to control the world's population?
Why would you want to do that?If you control the world's food, how easy is it to control the world's population?
It depends on the people and the location. The Soviet Union successfully starved to death millions of people in the Ukraine by taking away the food they grew on their own land.

But try that in the US and you'll be in a war that has no end against a people that will be well armed and survive on dirt if they have to.
Whether food is available or not, many people breed for cultural and economic reasons. Try and restrict food and you just increase famine and suffering.
People need food to survive so. ... I would say fairly easy. Controlling the food would be the hard part though. I'm sure Obama can handle it!

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